Career Guidance in Mungret Community College
Ms Ciara Downey, Ms.Siobhan Maher & Ms. Sinead Holmes are the Career Guidance Counsellors in Mungret Community College.
Guidance activities in Mungret Community College
Counselling: This involves helping students to explore their thoughts and feelings, and the choices open to them and giving care and support to students learning to cope with the many aspects of growing up. There is an open door policy in relation to counselling in MCC and students are informed that they are free to come and make an appointment to talk to the Guidance Counsellor if they wish. Students can also be referred to the Guidance Counsellor by their Class Tutor, Year Head or a concerned member of the teaching staff. Where the young person’s problem is outside that of the expertise of the Guidance Counsellor then they are responsible for referring the student to a more specialised service outside of the school.
Assessment & Advice: The Guidance Counsellors can meet students individually. During these guidance appointments the Guidance Counsellor can talk through pupils' exam results, school test results, favourite subjects, work experience, skills, talents, interests, strengths and weaknesses etc. All students in TY & 6th Year get an individual appointment to decide on Senior Cycle subjects & plans for after school.
Information: The Guidance Counsellors will provide students and parents with objective, current and factual data on education and training opportunities, occupations and entitlements. This information will be delivered during individual guidance appointments and through lectures to class groups and talks to parents. The Guidance Counsellor will speak to students in relation to subject choice and in relation to effective study skills and exam preparation. There is also a Careers Information Google Classroom where students can get updates on courses & college events and sign up for talks or visits out.
Personal and Social Development Programmes: These facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills relating to a student’s personal and social development, self-awareness, decision-making and planning. Guest speakers will on occasion be invited to give talks on the relevant topics, eg Jigsaw talks - Mental Health.
Topics covered in Senior Cycle Guidance Classes
Skills, Interests, Values, Personality Type
Study Skills
Financial Supports for 3rd Level
CVs & Cover Letters
Work Experience Preparation & Reflection
Applying to study outside of Ireland
Transition to College
6th Year Parents Evening CAO 23/24
College Awareness Week 2023
College Awareness Week 2023 was a lovely week in MCC. We had guest speakers from Sports in TUS, Business in UL, Shannon College of Hotel Management, Education & Health Science in UL, Applied Sciences in TUS, Apprenticeships in LCETB, TUS and some of our students went on visits out to Limerick College of Further Education (LCFE) and the National Learning Network.
Junior Cycle students were encouraged to “Drop Everything & Chat College” and they also learned some college terms at tutor time.
Last year's 6th years were invited back to chat with current 6th years about what they are doing now and chat to students about their courses or jobs. We got to hear about the courses they were on as well as getting lots of valuable information and advice. It was lovely to welcome them back, have a hot chocolate, cupcake & a chat!
Synergy Careers
The School has purchased a premium plan with Synergy Careers which gives students access to a wide range of webinars to help with Career Exploration. We have a coupon code for students & parents to access these webinars for free from home. This would normally cost €25. You can access information about CAO, Study Skills as well as information on different Career Sectors. To get this code please contact a member of the guidance team.
Careers Portal
Careers Portal is an excellent resource for both students and parents. You can access lots of information on leaving certificate subjects, college courses, etc. The parents section can be accessed here