Mungret Community College

Creative Arts

Creative Arts

Mungret Community College Visual Arts aims to nurture the imagination,inquisitiveness, creativity and development of the whole student through practical engagement in the areas of art, craft and design.

Within the safe space of the art class, students will experience the authentic visual art processes of imagining, investigating, experimenting, making, displaying and evaluating.

Students embark on a diverse array of projects such as print making, material construction, painting, puppetry,ceramics, book craft, graphic design and drawing to develop authentic, real-world problem-solving capacities and the capacity to work over time, as an individual and in groups, on the design and execution of artistic and aesthetic tasks.

The students of Mungret CC are proud to have an ongoing association with Creative engagement NAPD and their funding has allowed students to collaboratively design and create projects which deal with themes relevant to modern student life and are displayed within the school as a representation of students' voice.Art NAPD .JPG

Mungret CC’s Art club is a fun and exciting space for students to share their artistic interests and hobbies, while exploring different mediums and styles of art.

Through studying Visual Arts in Mungret CC students will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to produce and to engage with authentic and original art, craft and design work. In so doing, they will begin to develop the visual literacy, critical skills and language necessary to engage with contemporary culture.

Creative ArtsCreative ArtsCreative ArtsCreative Arts
Oct 07
1st Year Parent Information Evening (7pm online)
Oct 08
Open Night
Oct 21
Staff Oide In Service - school closed to students
Oct 24
6th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Caheranardrish, Mungret, Co. Limerick, V9462R7.
061 308 880
© 2024 Mungret Community College