Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme taken after Junior Cycle and before the two-year Leaving Certificate programme. The objective of Transition Year is to promote the personal, social, educational and vocational development of students and to prepare them for their role as autonomous, participative, and responsible members of society.
The following are the guidelines for TY from the Department of Education and Skills.
- It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes.
- It is available to all second-level schools and currently some 550 schools offer the programme.
- Transition Year may be optional or mandatory for students depending on the school’s policy.
- Each school designs its own Transition Year programme, within set guidelines, to suit the needs and interests of its students.
- In establishing its own distinctive programme content, the school takes into account the possibilities offered by local community interests.
In Mungret Community College our mission for our Transition Year through our programme, encourages the students to take ownership and responsibility for their learning and promotes the students to enter into the spirit of transition year with a strong work ethic, an open mind and a commitment to embracing all aspects of the year ahead.
We has three core values;
- a continued emphasis on academic standards
- ensuring the wellbeing of our students, in a nurturing and supportive environment
- giving the students the opportunity to reflect on the past, enjoy the present and to look forward to and be prepared for their future.
Transition Year Calendar
Module DatesWork Experience
- Week 1 - November 25th-29th Transition Year Work Experience
- Week 2 - March 3th to 7th - Transition Year Work Experience
*Please note that any students not involved in the ski trip will partake in a third week of work experience.
Practical Option Rotation 1 Subjects (4 Weeks)
Music Studies
Sports Science
Computer Science
Agricultural Science
Art & Design
Home Economics
Tourism Studies
Film Studies
General Option Rotation 2 Subjects (5 Weeks)
Environmental Studies
Religious Studies
Global Citizenship
Cultural Studies
Politics & Society
Applied Maths
Creative Arts Modules
Script Writing
Student Choice
Fashion Design
General Options & Creative Arts Modules (5 weeks)
Practical Options (4 weeks)
Start of Rotation
End of Rotation
Start of Rotation
End of Rotation
Rotation 1
Mon, Sept 2nd
Friday, Oct 4th
Mon, Sept 2nd
Friday, Sept 27th
Rotation 2
Mon, Oct 7th
Friday, Nov 15th
Mon, Sept 30th
Friday, Oct 25th
Rotation 3
Mon, Nov 18th
Friday, Jan 10th
Tues, Nov 5th
Friday, Dec 6th
Rotation 4
Mon, Jan 13th
Friday, Feb 14th
Mon, Dec 9th
Friday, Jan 17th
Rotation 5
Mon, Mar 3rd
Friday, Apr 11th
Mon, Jan 20th
Friday, Feb 14th
Rotation 6
Mon, Apr 28th
Friday, May 23rd
Mon, Mar 3rd
Friday, Apr 4th
Rotation 7
Mon, Apr 7th
Friday, May 16th
Core subjects and modules offered:
Transition year is divided into modules of learning and each module is approximately 6 weeks in duration. The timetable for transition year balances the core subjects and offers students a variety of learning opportunities through motor mechanics, sign language, wood technology, agricultural science, physics, chemistry and music studies to mention a few. English, Irish and Maths will have 4 classes a week, MFLanguages will have 3 classes a week, ICT google certification will have one class a week, Physical education will have a triple class taking place off-campus, guidance will have one class a week.
Work experience:
Experiential learning is an integral part of Transition Year, and work placement offers our students a hands-on experience of working life. There are two weeks assigned for work experience throughout the year (refer to calendar for dates.) It is important when choosing a placement that it reflects the student’s genuine interest in this area of work, and therefore will be a productive learning experience. All students will receive a work placement information pack which will include;
- an insurance letter for the employer
- a risk assessment form
All employers will be asked to fill out a student evaluation form. The students will also complete a work experience diary for the week on google classroom.
All the above documentation will be made available closer to the time of placement.