Mungret Community College



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Please click on our Student Wellbeing Site below

Mungret Community College Student Wellbeing Site

Here at Mungret Community College the wellbeing of our students remains a driving force for our community of learners.

As a school, we believe that a student can engage better academically when they are supported to remain well on all levels. Our students are actively encouraged to look after their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.

The indicators of wellbeing permeate school life as we seek to develop responsible, resilient, connected, active young adults with a healthy respect and awareness for themselves and others, both in person and in digital interactions.

Wellbeing is represented on a curricular level through the study of SPHE, CSPE and PE, with additional timetabled Wellbeing classes for our 1st Year students.

Student voice is encouraged and celebrated where each and every student is invited to share ideas, comments and suggestions with any member of staff.

Our Tutor and Year head system supports communication between students and permits a forum for discussion and ongoing interaction between students and staff, in addition to our student suggestion box located adjacent to the Guidance Counsellor’s office.

We are looking forward to electing our fourth Student Council body and working once again with elected representatives in order to ensure a consistent and structured forum exists for debate and discussion which complements our informal, school wide approach to not only listening, but conscientiously hearing, what our students have to say.

Wellbeing Team Members

Liam O’Mahoney

Helen Ryan

Aoife Donovan

Aoife O’Malley

Niall Carmody

Gavin Kearns

Marie Finn

Jay Kavanagh

Feb 14
Pre Examinations End
Feb 17
Mid-term Break
Mar 03
TY Work Experience Wk2
Mar 04
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Caheranardrish, Mungret, Co. Limerick, V9462R7.
061 308 880
© 2025 Mungret Community College