Mungret Community College

Work experience - FAQ

Work experience FAQs

Why is work experience an important part of the TY experience?

Work experience forms an important part of the Transition Year Programme. It offers the students a realistic insight into the world of work and responsibility, through independent learning in the workplace. It is so important that the student finds a placement that is of interest to him/her in order to get the most out of the week. There are 2 weeks of work experience during the year in November and April. (dates vary)

  • How do I find work experience?

As part of developing the students responsibility, we would prefer if students were active in finding a placement of value that interests them from a career perspective. Community involvement and volunteering in an organisation are also encouraged as an appropriate work experience opportunity.

  • What does the student need to do before work experience?
  • Complete the work experience registration form on googleclassroom.
  • Collect insurance letter and risk assessment form from Ms. Maher.
  • Give these forms to your employer.
  • Fully complete the necessary Garda vetting forms if required - see question 7.
  • Learn as much as you can about the company where you are working
  • Make sure you have all of the necessary documentation completed
  • Contact the company and find out the following information:
  • The location of the company
  • The name of the contact person
  • The hours of work
  • Any special rules/ health and safety guidelines that apply to the company (e.g. clothes, uniform, PPE)
  • Work out your travel arrangements
  • When is the next week for work experience for the TY students?

It will take place on Monday 25th April to Friday 29th April 2022. (It is the week directly after our Easter break.)

  • Can they work in the same placement as their first work experience week in November 2021?


  • Do the students need to give their employer any documentation before they start their placement?

Yes. The insurance letter is a very important form for the employer to have before placement starts.

The risk assessment form accompanies the insurance letter and should be filled in by the employer.

Even if the employer does not ask for these forms, it is important that they are given to them on the first day of placement by the student.

  • Do the students need a CV when applying for work experience?

Yes. It is recommended that they would have an up-to-date CV as well as a cover letter for any applications. Students should have an up-to-date CV and a Cover Letter. This has been done during their Career Guidance class. Sample CVs and Cover Letters are available on their Google Classroom for Career Guidance.

  • Do I need to get my son/daughter Garda Vetted?

“The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 provide a statutory basis for the vetting of persons carrying out relevant work with children or vulnerable persons. The Act stipulates that a relevant organisation shall not permit any person to undertake relevant work or activities on behalf of the organisation, unless the organisation receives a vetting disclosure from the National Vetting Bureau in respect of that person. “

If the student is working with children in a primary school setting and/or with vulnerable children/adults in a special education setting, they will need to be vetted. Most Boards of Management in Schools now require TY students to be vetted before placement, regardless of the fact that the student may be a past pupil of the primary school or know the Teacher/ Principal in the school.

Depending on the organisation, some employers may also ask for the student to be vetted.

Vetting takes approximately 3 weeks and all forms are to be submitted to Ms. Maher on or before Thursday 17th February.

Vetting forms are available from Ms. Maher on request.

Any student who is under the age of 16 years during his/her work experience does not require Garda vetting.

  • What are the recommended working hours for the week?

This is dependent on the employer. Students should try and adhere to the hours of the business and be clear on this from the beginning of the placement. Some employers work within the normal school hours 9.00am - 4.00pm each day.

  • What should the students wear?

Students are representing the school during this week and should be neatly and appropriately dressed for their place of work. Please ask the employer if unsure. Some students may get a uniform.

  • Is there school work during this week?

Yes. The students must complete a detailed work experience diary. This has been shared with them on google classroom and should be filled in everyday. Students are required to give details of their duties each day, as well as a reflection on their week. This should be submitted on the Sunday before they return to school.

  • Can I do more than a week of placement? Can I do a different week? Can I do an additional week?

The students have 2 weeks of Easter holidays before work placement. If they would like to do an additional week, they could arrange this for the week of 18th April. That would mean 2 weeks of work experience.

If a valuable work placement opportunity arises outside of the designated calendar dates, a student may avail of this once they speak to their Year Head., Ms. Maher and Principal, Mr. O’ Mahoney.

  • What if the employer’s available dates are not the same as the school’s dates?

Work experience is a valuable part of the students' experiential learning in TY. Please come and talk to Ms. Dee.

  • I cannot secure a placement anywhere for the week. What will we do then?

We realise that there is a lot of competition for TY placements. We understand with Covid, that employers may not be in a position to offer placements. Students will be required to be in school for the week if no placement has been secured.

Feb 14
Pre Examinations End
Feb 17
Mid-term Break
Mar 03
TY Work Experience Wk2
Mar 04
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Caheranardrish, Mungret, Co. Limerick, V9462R7.
061 308 880
© 2025 Mungret Community College