Mungret Community College

Yearheads & Student Wellbeing Team

Yearheads & Student Wellbeing Team

Each class has a class tutor which they meet each day at 11am for class tutor time. Each year-group has a year-head who has overall responsibility for supporting all the students in that year-group. Our School Student Well-being Team is made up of tutors and year heads for the various class groups. The main focus of this team is to ensure that all students are achieving their full potential in school on an academic, social, personal and emotional level. Supports are put in place to assist identified students in these areas and if necessary, parents/guardians will meet with the Year Head, Principal, or Deputy Principal to discuss issues in more detail.

Year Group

Year Head

First Year

Simon Hill

Second Year

Brendan Giltenane

Third Year

Justin O’Connor

Transition Year

Niamh Grealish

Fifth Year

Ciara Downey

Sixth Year

Darragh Connolly

Dec 09
3rd Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Dec 20
Christmas Holidays
Jan 06
Return to School
Jan 13
2nd Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Caheranardrish, Mungret, Co. Limerick, V9462R7.
061 308 880
© 2024 Mungret Community College